Based on empiric laboratory and field studies in combination with intuitive design approaches we design intelligent technical and biological material cycles.

In our holistic scenarios current approaches of subsistence, consistency, resilience and efficiency as well as legal frameworks and knowledge of market and customer needs are moderated.

This transfers current design practices to principles such as Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle, Recover, Remine, with the help of which we design short-, medium- and long-term systemic material and product cycles.


Our research and design process follows the rules of iterative processes, a system of interconnected loops, going along parallel. Phases of intuitive expansion and analytic contradiction alternate. In a constant interplay between understanding and exploring, synthesizing and testing we show sustainable solutions for materials, processes and products as well as sustainable development potentials.

This interplay is about synthesizing practical and theoretical knowledge and developing ideas that and developing ideas that have the potential to push boundaries in one way or another. The documentation of this process makes it easy for us to re-enter a new loop at any time and to develop further with the help of new insights.


Design as outcome of developments within a multidisciplinary input ensures a high rate of successful and long term viable implementation. Firmly convinced of this the Endogenous Lab works together with material scientists, craftsmen and factories to be able to create materials and objects based on a new local resource managing culture.

With our projects, we create a basis for potential material and product developments, strengthen the discourse around design and research through transparent communication and sensitise consumers, manufacturers and other stakeholders to the issue of circular material design and a sustainable product and consumer culture.


To us design it is a powerful platform to reach people emotionally, for example to confront them with new materials and alternative technologies for future practices and relevant environmental issues.

Design makes ideas visible and tangible. The results of our work are not only rationally comprehensible, but above all have a sensual value.

Design should be emotionally intelligent.

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